Triple H Industrial Enterprises is a Rustenburg based closed corporation
with the primary objective being to supply the industry with a much required
service in the Thermo Plastic Field.
Triple H aspires to be known and acknowledged as the market
leader and preferred supplier of HDPE piping and related
products and services in the Northwest Province of South
As a widely recognized HDPE pipe products and related service provider in North-West province, South Africa, Triple H, will endeavour:
To consistently deliver a quality product and service and confidently compete against any comparable industry provider.
To operate a profitable, sustainable, reputable and ethical business.
To foster resilience to risk and maximize opportunities for growth.
To empower our staff with the requisite skills, knowledge and expertise towards personal development and realization of our organizational goals.
Firmly rooted in our Mission, our Core Values guide us in our relations with our stakeholders who have a direct interest, influence, and impact in our business. Therefore we:
Conduct our business with integrity, honesty, accountability, and transparency.
Maintain mutually beneficial and enduring relationships with our stakeholders.
Respect the rights, dignity, and fundamental freedoms of all individuals.
Optimize the creation of wealth to provide fair reward, recognition, and opportunity for our stakeholders.
Meet changing needs and expectations of our stakeholders by providing consistently high-quality products and service excellence and striving for continual improvement.
Are responsible and accountable corporate citizens, fostering social and environmental sustainability and custodianship.
Respect the values and culture of the communities in which we operate.
Some typical applications of HDPE pipe include the following:
Mining (Surface and underground)
Water supply
Agriculture / irrigation
High temperature liquids and gases - usually not above 60*C
Corrosive water and effluents
Drainage and sub-soil drainage
Protection of electrical and telephone cables
Hydraulic transport
Pipeline rehabilitation
HDPE piping systems offer many benefits when compared to most other materials; which typically include the following:
​High Impact strength
Resistance against chemicals, corrosion and abrasion
Chemically inert and unaffected by acidic soil conditions
Biologically inserts against micro-organisms
Available in long lengths, reducing the number of joints
Flexibility and toughness
Inherent resistance to the effect of ground water movement
Excellent hydraulic properties with low friction resistance throughout life
Non-toxic and safe for drinking
Low installation cost and maintenance free
Environmentally friendly
Can be fuse welded, ensuring absolutely leak free joints
Very suitable for rehabilitation of old pipelines
Marketing of locally produced products remain our preferred option, however we do have access to imported products where price and quality cannot be matched locally
Our customers are mainly end users, we do provide a service in/but not limited to the North West region
Maintenance Program
The corporation does normal maintenance and installations as and when required. We are available 24 Hours 7 Days a week for emergency breakdowns and are well stocked and capable.
Contact Us
Head Office
3 Ruby Sand Street
East End
Email: admin@triph.co.za
Tel: 014 596 6692
Fax: 014 596 6271